Opor Ayam (Chicken Braised in Coconut Milk)

Opor Ayam ( Chicken braised in coconut milk)

Opor Ayam

This Menu was great, very tasty. In Indonesia this dishes usually served in Islamic Idul Fitr. The main base for this dishes is chicken meat, sometime you can add boiled egg . This dish best served with lontong (rice cake) or ketupat ( boiled rice inside a woven palm leaf) and pawn cracker.
Its kind of food that need time to make until its ready to serve, but believe me its worth. So here we are How to make an Opor Ayam:

1.      ½ Chicken Meat, Cut into 4 pieces
2.      2 sheets of Lemon Leaves
3.      1 Bay leave
4.      1 stalk of Lemongrass, Crushed
5.      1 cm of Galangal, Crushed
6.      1 cm of Ginger, Crushed
7.      250 ml of Thick Coconut Milk
8.      200 ml of Water
9.      ¼ tsp pepper
10.  1 tsp Brown sugar, shaved
11.  Salt sufficiently
12.  2 tbsp cooking oil for frying.

Ingredient for Pasta Spices (mix them):
1.      5 Red Onion
2.      2 cloves of Garlic
3.      ½ stp Coriander powder
4.      ½ tsp Cumin
5.      1 piece of Hazelnut ( Candlenut)

How to make OPOR AYAM:
1.      Heat the oil then fry the Pasta Spices then put in lime leaves, bay leaves, ginger, lemongrass and galangal. Wait an stir until you feel the tasty smell.
2.      Put in the chicken right after that. Then stir until the pasta cover up all the chicken. After that add the water and cook it until boiling and the chicken is tender.
3.      Last step is pour the coconut milk, add brown sugar, papper and salt.
4.      Cook until the sauce fell a bit lumpy. Then serve it with lontong or ketupat and prawn crackers.

You can download the recipe HERE


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