Balinese Betutu Duck

 Balinese Betutu Duck
Balinesse Betutu Duck is one of popular Balinese recipe. This recipe is made from duck wrapped in 
banana leaves that can make this duck dish tastes very delicious and certainly different from the other 
recipes. You can try this duck recipe in your kitchen, this is how to make Balinese Betutu Duck:

Main Ingredients Recipe of Balinese Betutu Duck:
- 1 whole duck, then you wash it.
- 3 tbsp cooking oil
- Banana leaves for wrapping or can also use aluminum foil
Seasonings Ingredients of Balinese Betutu Duck:
- 10 pieces Red Onion
- 6 pieces of Garlic
- 5 stalks lemongrass, then slice it thinly 
- 5 pieces of lemon leaf, cut the bones then  slice it
- 6 piece of candlenut, then roast it
- 1 tsp coriander, then roast it
- 2 tsp Shrimp Paste
- 3cm Turmeric, then burn and chopp it
- 5cm ginger, then coarsely chopped
- 8cm Kencur (zeodary), then coarsely chopped
- 1 tsp salt
How To Make Balinesse Betutu duck:
1. The first thing you do is make a pasta with all the seasoning ingredients.
2. Then you mix the pasta you just made  with oil, then you mix it well.
3. After that you have to smearing all parts of the duck with a mixture of ground spices until all of the 
    part covered with it.
4. Well then you wrap it with banana leaves or aluminum foil.
5. Then you steam for 2 hours until done and then you lift.
6. After you steaming for 2 hours then you have to roast the duck until lightly browned and occasionally 
    reversed the duck, then you lift.
7. After that you have to remove banana leaves or the aluminum foil, then cut it into pieces and serve 
You can download the recipe Here


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